日期: 2024 年 3 月 29 日

Is an Egyptian Mau a tabby cat?

The Egyptian cat, that is an amazing breed of cat draped in dotted tiger stripes, resembling a small leopard. This unique hair organization is a gift of nature, making it fascinatingly full of wild tension. Caressing their heads, their rounded and slightly pointed faces, grand foreheads and full cheeks are marked by distinctly European aristocratic features.
But what really impresses you must be its pair of large, charismatic eyes. They are as light green as emerald, or a bright, glassy green that goes straight to the heart. What’s even more interesting is that their eyes change color with the ups and downs of their emotions. When they are happy, their pupils are green as if stained with emerald juice, and when they are angry, they turn amber with a yellowish tint.
The Egyptian cat’s coat is slightly long, soft and dense, and the moment you touch it, it is like being bathed in soft sunlight. The color of its coat is rich and varied, ranging from silver-white with black polka dots, to silver-white with chocolate polka dots, to grey with black polka dots. Most uniquely, it has an unforgettable M-shaped or Sacred Beetle pattern on its forehead.
Beneath its sinister shadow hides a heart of fang-force. Its body is long and lean, its shoulder blades are high and muscular, and with every movement, it is as smooth and graceful as a dance. When you see the tail, you will find that its tail is just in harmony with its body length, and, the tip of the tail is also exceptionally thin, like an artist who pays special attention to detail design.
Don’t be fooled by its presented wildness, the true Egyptian cat is actually timid and fragile at heart, and it can be fearful of strangers. What’s even more incredible is that they are in stark contrast to their appearance. They are polite and refined, have a good memory, are very patient with children, and show great harmony and friendliness with other cats. Despite their mellifluous purring, they are not overly active, preferring to take a quiet afternoon nap in a corner.
When you see the newborn Egyptian kitten, you may be puzzled by the pattern on their body, as it is not very distinctive. However, with regular grooming of them, you will be able to comb out that glossy and shiny coat color. One thing to keep in mind is that because of their sensitive and irritable nature, it is important to try to avoid giving them any shock or excitement when caring for them.

How do I know if my cat is a Dragon Li?

The civet cat, a short-haired cat breed with an air of mystery, does have a number of mesmerizing qualities.
As you cast your eyes over its rounded head, you’ll notice that its chin is rather pointed without completely revealing a typecast triangular face. Moving closer, you see that its eyes are scalloped and almond shaped, with pupils that seem to have captured the pale green leaf shadows of nature’s forests or the halos of the dead yellows of autumn. With raised cheekbones and a broad forehead, this is a mothership-style face, every detail sculpted by history and age, especially the seemingly plain nose, the surrounding fur of which gradually becomes more prominent like an ancient sun clock.
The coat of a civet cat is short and stiff. But you won’t feel rough, instead it’s just like a leather sofa, oily and smooth, conveying a relaxed and pleasant touch to you. The color of the fur is mostly brown or dark brown in nature, occasionally adding a few strokes of clean white to its strong back. Their markings, by the way, are like unique tattoos on this mysterious creature, and through their transient lines and shapes, we can penetrate the world of the civet cat’s mind.
Physically, civet cats will always give people the first impression of that feeling of tight muscles and unbridled power. Their paws are wide, their limbs are strong and incredibly sensitive, and their every move is full of animal instinct and grace. As adults, their bodies are even stronger, every muscle glowing with a fruitful sheen, and their physiques are well-proportioned and supremely attractive.
Then there is their tail. Moderately long, slightly shorter than their body length, and just the right proportion to their body. Thick, supple and without any curvature, it is simply the model of a tail and a piece of the civet cat’s confidence.
The so-called personality of the civet cat can perhaps be summarized in four words – independent and emotional. They are curious and intelligent by nature, always keeping a keen eye on the world around them. They maintain a curious balance of friendliness and a sense of authority towards their owners, on the one hand, they give you cozy company and on the other hand, they show their dignity. The sensitivity of the civet cat also makes them more delicate and emotional when their environment changes, and their attachment and affection for people deepens.
In short, the civet cat breed is so pleasing and moving. And from its ears, eye shape and other body parts, you can also get a deeper sense of how the civet cat differs from other cat breeds such as the American Shorthair.